I'd Rather Sit!: The Broader Interpretation of America's Peculiar Stand Your Ground Concepts
The tragedy of Trayvon Martin's murder made many Americans aware of stand your ground laws. Yet, these laws are common throughout the nation. Some 36 states have some aspect of these "line in the sand" defining actions. There are two varieties of these laws: the more recent "Stand Your Ground" law and the older "Castle Doctrine" law. Both allow you to use deadly force as a means of self-defense when you feel that your life or the life of a family member is threatened. However, the history behind these laws is not what most Americans consider associated with 2nd Amendment Rights. The Castle Doctrine comes from medieval English law stressing that only the King had the right to take someone's life. As a result, when people felt threatened they should retreat beyond the walls of the castle for self defense. Only if the castle wall was breached and the castle was invaded could deadly force be used. The Castle Doctrine was a concept designed to repel h...