Using War As A Subtext: Is It Another Form of Racism?
Recent global affairs bring greater awareness to the instability of world peace. Daily the threat of another world war appears to grow. For example, there are acts of chaos in virtually every major nation. There are demonstrations in authoritarian and democratic states, government crackdowns in numerous nations, economic crises associated with the pandemic and rising inflation, and the growing embers of war. Some of these challenges are ongoing. The Chinese government is quelling freedom movements in Hong Kong and religious freedom in the west. Protests in Iran have met fierce regime resistance. In more democratic settings, protestors have used social media to test the limits of free speech and freedom of assembly. Protests appear to pop-up in response to imagined or perceived threats. The January 6th controversy has invigorated violence in the United States and it is seeking additional outlets. Cheered on by Fox News, North American truckers contesting COVID mask and...