A Nation in Crisis?
In a recent newsletter James Basker, president of the Gilder Lehrman Institute, wrote: "Earlier this summer, I read a rather dispiriting poll from Harvard’s Institute of Politics: Only 57% of 18- to-29-year-olds said it is “very important” that the United States is a democracy; 7% of respondents said it is either “not very” or “not at all important.” The same poll found a third of young Americans questioning whether we’ll remain a unified nation." Although Basker received some encouraging news from another source, it is not difficult to see why young Americans might harbor such feelings. There is very little in the news that supports the continuation of our democracy. Our politicians on the left and the right, but especially the right, are engaged in tricking the population about major issues. It would take a devoted academic, attorney or activist to keep up with the manipulations that constantly skirt the law and easily make us doubt the worthiness of our political instituti...